Top Essential Oils

08 March

I remember the first time I was introduced to essential oils. 3 and a half years ago. I thought that they were a hoax and a fad that would pass as fast as they came. Oh how wrong I was! Peppermint was the first oil to come into my life and I have not looked back since. Essential oils have completely transformed my life and I am so honored that Anna is giving me the opportunity to share the amazing benefits of dōTERRA’s essential oils with you!

“There’s an oil for that”, is a famous saying amongst essential oil users! This post would never end if I went into the numerous uses that all of dōTERRA essential oils can help benefit and support. This is why I have chosen my top 3 to highlight for you!

  1. Peppermint- Since peppermint was my first love, it only makes sense to talk about it first! :) 1 drop of dōTERRA peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 26 cups of peppermint tea. So yes, these essential oils are very potent and strong! A little bit goes a long way! Peppermint is really good to use when you are having tummy troubles. It provides a burst of cool relief. It also takes away that annoying head pain that seems to come all the time at the worst possible times! Peppermint is part of the infamous LLP trio (lemon, lavender, & peppermint) that helps get through those annoying season changes!

  1. Lavender- Lavender is known as the number one essential oil that is the most adulterated. You can find “lavender” in almost anything and everything. Think about all of those baby products that are lavender scented. Unfortunately, that lavender is a synthetic chemical made in a lab! This is why dōTERRAs lavender is the real deal, 100% certified pure therapeutic grade essential oil. I love to put drops of lavender on my pillow every night to help wind me down before bed. It is also good to put on your kids cuts and scrapes that they always seem to get! Lavender is also known as the swiss army knife of oils, meaning if there is something going on and you do not know what oil to use, grab your lavender and it will most likely help!

  1. On-Guard- This is the oil you most definitely need in the winter time to keep your immune system strong! I use this oil as a preventative to keep the sickness at bay. The University of Manchester did an aromatherapy study with On-Guard and it was found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria. Vanderbilt Hospital in Tennessee also uses On-Guard to boost productivity and health of patients and their staff year round. Because of the amazing benefits of On-Guard, dōTERRA has made many other products that are formulated around the On-Guard protective blend. These products include On-Guard whitening toothpaste, On-Guard cleaner concentrate, foaming hand wash, laundry detergent, and throat drops to name a few. On-Guard, like the name states, is a must have in your home!

The amazing part of dōTERRA essential oils is that you can use them topically, aromatically, and internally! Since not all essential oils are created equally, it is important to know how the company distills and handles their product. Since dōTERRA takes immense pride in their indigenous sourcing, they promise us that we are getting the best, most pure, essential oils in the world! Because of this, I am completely confident in using their products for myself and my loved ones. Life truly is better with essential oils!

For more information on dōTERRA essential oils and how to get started on your journey to natural, healthy alternatives and solutions please contact Brie Bradshaw at OR 217-503-0223.

About The Author

Brie Bradshaw is a blogger, 3 years running avid essential oil user and advocate, wife, follower of Jesus, and coffee barista. She enjoys adventures and encouraging others to step out of the ordinary to make life a world sized escapade. Find Brie's blog at or contact her at