Why Not To Diet

22 February

Dieting is viewed worldwide as the way to become the "perfect size", the temporary fix to the number on the scale and the restriction of all the yummy, sugary food that the world has to offer. Hell no to dieting. Today, I am going to tell you why.

1. Temporary Solution 

Dieting is a temporary solution. You jump on the scale one day and decide you are not happy. You run for a couple of days and then just are not feeling it. You pay for overpriced products or you start with high hopes and are instantly crushed. You should want to change for more than one reason, you need more motivation than a temporary thought of low self esteem. 

2. Little Motivation 

The first couple days of dieting are great. You cut out all the unhealthy foods, commit to all the healthy ones and pin every motivation pin onto your Pinterest board as possible. But dieting is a mindset that you are going to make huge changes, way too quickly, get the results you want and then, there's a cliff. When does this "diet" end? When will I be able to eat the "good" foods again? There's no tagged deadline to lose the weight, maintain the weight or cut down your intake of crap. Your body and mind work well for deadlines in the office, but your body does not work that way when it comes to yourself. You need something bigger and you need to make the committment to yourself.

3. The "Perfect Body Image" 

When deciding to change your body image, there's images. Ideas of toned goodness, little fat on any body part, and smaller clothes fitting just right. But what people don't understand, your body is not clay. You cannot just mold it how you wish. You have to work with it. It's okay to want to be healthy, but there are right and wrong ways to go about it. 

4. Cutting Out Food Groups 

There's two reasons why cutting out food groups at any point in time is a terrible idea. 

1. You're just going to want it more. And when you do get your hands on it, it's going to be a mess. 
2. You shouldn't forget to enjoy food just because you want to better yourself. It's okay to eat some cake, that piece of bread, those potato chips or anything else you can imagine. 

5. Being Miserable 

As I mentioned above, to make the decision to better yourself, you should not cut yourself off completely. Savor foods, just chill on those serving sizes. Foods are meant to be enjoyed and it's okay to enjoy them. That does not make you a bad person, ever. 

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